Building better futures
Hanagaia He Pai Ake Anamata

SENZ is a charitable trust. We exist to build better futures and improve the holistic wellbeing of our clients, their whānau, and communities. We are a place for all people.

We deliver training and employment programmes, and have been connecting our clients hopes and aspirations with career pathways and employment for over 22 years.  We have helped more than 24,000 New Zealanders!

We base our longevity on our ability as a provider to be authentic, engaging, inclusive and solution focussed.  We are proud to be a people focused organisation. Our clients are always at the forefront of our thinking when developing programmes that will not only serve needs, but make a genuine impact for them, their whānau and the generations to come.  

Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are able to provide all of our services for free!

You will find us serving the community in eight locations across Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Whanganui and the Hawkes Bay.  We dream big, are visionary and strive to fulfil our mission to build better futures across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our Values



We seek to honour others and have integrity in all of our relationships


ExcellenceTaumata Angitū

We excel by having a spirit of excellence. We excel in giving one another, our clients and communities the best of our time and talents



Greatness comes from serving others. We advance our purpose to build better futures when we use our talents to serve our clients, communities and one another


Reaching OutToro Atu

We are intentional about reaching out. We listen to and care about our clients, our communities and each other. We reach out with SENZ’s purpose and act with intent



We believe in the power of working together. Collaborating with the community and stakeholders to contribute to the thriving social and economic development of Aotearoa

We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing support of our incredible partners.